We made it through SXSW!

It was quite a whirlwind but we have officially made it through SXSW 2023! After an intense four days of building a beautiful stage at Riches Art Gallery, there were five days of artistic magic! It started with a full-day photo shoot where we were able to capture great lifestyle shots of our online store merch. We even managed to stay hydrated and sort of cool in the 90-degree heat. Make sure you are on the lookout for those photos at https://ddir.store/ soon!

The next four days were full of absolutely amazing guests gracing the Dick's Drive-In Live Stage. Every day, three different musical guests wowed us with their talent, their favorite Dick's Drive-In memories, and honestly, just their all-around great personalities. Mark Baysinger from On the Mark BarberShop Talk joined us for a couple of days and gave haircuts and interviews which were gorgeous and insightful. All of the performances will be available in the coming months on the Dick's Drive-In social media channels. You will not want to miss it!

This event was definitely about creating incredible content, but none of it would have happened without the amazing team put together by our event collaborators, Cre8tive Empowerment. Their women-led design team created an entire forest scape that had musically synchronized fairy lights. Their camera team had every angle covered, making sure no shot was missed. And finally, their sound team made sure everyone sounded as good on the recordings as they did in person. I may have gotten to sneak a listen at some of the tracks, and I promise, they delivered and they haven't even made it to editing yet! 

Now, after a few days back at home and some serious sleep, everyone is slowly getting back to a regular schedule. There is still much to be done to get all of this content from the memory cards and laptops to you, our favorite people, and we look forward to sharing it soon. All-in-all, it was one memorable week for Dick's Drive-In. 


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